Package-level declarations
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data class StreamColors(val brandPrimary: Color, val brandPrimaryLt: Color, val brandPrimaryDk: Color, val brandSecondary: Color, val brandSecondaryTransparent: Color, val brandCyan: Color, val brandGreen: Color, val brandYellow: Color, val brandRed: Color, val brandRedLt: Color, val brandRedDk: Color, val brandMaroon: Color, val brandViolet: Color, val basePrimary: Color, val baseSecondary: Color, val baseTertiary: Color, val baseQuaternary: Color, val baseQuinary: Color, val baseSenary: Color, val baseSheetPrimary: Color, val baseSheetSecondary: Color, val baseSheetTertiary: Color, val baseSheetQuarternary: Color, val buttonPrimaryDefault: Color, val buttonPrimaryPressed: Color, val buttonPrimaryDisabled: Color, val buttonBrandDefault: Color, val buttonBrandPressed: Color, val buttonBrandDisabled: Color, val buttonAlertDefault: Color, val buttonAlertPressed: Color, val buttonAlertDisabled: Color, val iconDefault: Color, val iconPressed: Color, val iconActive: Color, val iconAlert: Color, val iconDisabled: Color, val alertSuccess: Color, val alertCaution: Color, val alertWarning: Color)
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data class StreamDimens(val genericMax: Dp, val generic3xl: Dp, val genericXxl: Dp, val genericXl: Dp, val genericL: Dp, val genericM: Dp, val genericS: Dp, val genericXs: Dp, val genericXXs: Dp, val roundnessXl: Dp, val roundnessL: Dp, val roundnessM: Dp, val roundnessS: Dp, val spacingXl: Dp, val spacingL: Dp, val spacingM: Dp, val spacingS: Dp, val spacingXs: Dp, val spacingXXs: Dp, val componentHeightL: Dp, val componentHeightM: Dp, val componentHeightS: Dp, val componentPaddingTop: Dp, val componentPaddingStart: Dp, val componentPaddingBottom: Dp, val componentPaddingEnd: Dp, val componentPaddingFixed: Dp, val textSizeXxl: TextUnit, val textSizeXl: TextUnit, val textSizeL: TextUnit, val textSizeM: TextUnit, val textSizeS: TextUnit, val textSizeXs: TextUnit, val lineHeightXxl: TextUnit, val lineHeightXl: TextUnit, val lineHeightL: TextUnit, val lineHeightM: TextUnit, val lineHeightS: TextUnit, val lineHeightXs: TextUnit)
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object StreamRippleConfiguration
A modified version of the default RippleConfiguration from MaterialTheme which works in case the MaterialTheme is not initialized.
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interface StreamTheme
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data class StreamTypography(val titleL: TextStyle, val titleM: TextStyle, val titleS: TextStyle, val titleXs: TextStyle, val subtitleL: TextStyle, val subtitleM: TextStyle, val subtitleS: TextStyle, val bodyL: TextStyle, val bodyM: TextStyle, val bodyS: TextStyle, val labelL: TextStyle, val labelM: TextStyle, val labelS: TextStyle, val labelXS: TextStyle)
Contains all the typography we provide for our components.
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Contains ease-of-use accessors for different properties used to style and customize the app look and feel.
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fun VideoTheme(isInDarkMode: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), colors: StreamColors = StreamColors.defaultColors(), dimens: StreamDimens = StreamDimens.defaultDimens(), typography: StreamTypography = StreamTypography.defaultTypography(colors, dimens), shapes: StreamShapes = StreamShapes.defaultShapes(dimens), rippleConfiguration: StreamRippleConfiguration = StreamRippleConfiguration, reactionMapper: ReactionMapper = ReactionMapper.defaultReactionMapper(), allowUIAutomationTest: Boolean = true, styles: CompositeStyleProvider = CompositeStyleProvider(), content: @Composable () -> Unit)
Our theme that provides all the important properties for styling to the user.