Represents the Incoming Call state and UI, when the user receives a call from other people.
The call contains states and will be rendered with participants.
Represent the call type is a video or an audio.
Modifier for styling.
Weather or not the app bar will be shown.
Content shown for the call background.
Content shown for the call header.
Content shown for call details, such as call participant information.
Content shown for controlling call, such as accepting a call or declining a call.
Handler when the user taps on the back button.
Handler used when the user interacts with Call UI.
Stateless variant of the Incoming call UI, which you can use to build your own custom logic that powers the state and handlers.
The call contains states and will be rendered with participants.
The type of call, Audio or Video.
People participating in the call.
Whether the video should be enabled when entering the call or not.
Modifier for styling.
If the app bar header is shown or not.
Content shown for the call background.
Handler when the user taps on the back button.
Handler used when the user interacts with Call UI.