The CallState class keeps all state for a call It's available on every call object
if the call is being broadcasted to HLS
how many milliseconds the call has been running in the simple date format.
how many milliseconds the call has been running, null if the call didn't start yet
How long the call has been live for, represented as Duration, or null if the call hasn't been live yet. Keeps its value when live ends and resets when live starts again.
How long the call has been live for, in milliseconds, or null if the call hasn't been live yet. Keeps its value when live ends and resets when live starts again.
Your own participant state
Your own participant state
Participants returns a list of participant state object. @see ParticipantState
Pinned participants, combined value both from server and local pins.
participants other than yourself
Sorted participants based on
a count of the total number of participants.
Check if you have permissions to do things like share your audio, video, screen etc
Update participant sorting order
Update participants visibility on the UI.
Set a flow to update the participants visibility. The flow should emit lists with currently visible participant session IDs.