Wrapper around the WebRTC connection that contains tracks.
The scope used to listen to stats events.
The internal type of the PeerConnection. Check StreamPeerType.
Constraints used for the connections.
Handler when a new MediaStream gets added.
Handler when there's a new negotiation.
Handler whenever we receive IceCandidates.
Adds a local MediaStreamTrack with audio to a given connection, with its streamIds. The audio is then sent through a transceiver.
Adds an IceCandidate to the underlying connection if it's already been set up, or stores it for later consumption.
Adds a local MediaStreamTrack with video to a given connection, with its streamIds. The video is then sent in a few different resolutions using simulcast.
Used to create an answer whenever there's a subscriber offer.
Used to create an offer whenever there's a negotiation that we need to process on the publisher side.
Initialize a StreamPeerConnection using a WebRTC PeerConnection.
Triggered whenever there's a new MediaStream that was added to the connection.
Triggered whenever there's a new MediaStream or MediaStreamTrack that's been added to the call. It contains all audio and video tracks for a given session.
Triggered when the connection state changes. Used to start and stop the stats observing.
Triggered whenever there's a new RtcIceCandidate for the call. Used to update our tracks and subscriptions.
Triggered whenever a MediaStream was removed.
Domain - PeerConnection and PeerConnection.Observer related callbacks.
Triggered whenever there's a new negotiation needed for the active PeerConnection.
Sets the local description for a connection either for the subscriber or publisher based on the flow.
Used to set up the SDP on underlying connections and to add pendingIceCandidates to the connection for listening.