Package-level declarations


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data class AudioTrack(val streamId: String, val audio: AudioTrack) : MediaTrack
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data class CallData(val blockedUsersIds: List<String>, val call: CallInfo, val members: List<CallUser>, val ownMembership: CallUser?)
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data class CallDetails(val memberUserIds: List<String>, val members: Map<String, CallUser>, val ownCapabilities: List<OwnCapability>) : Serializable
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data class CallEgress(val broadcastEgress: String, val recordEgress: String)
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Represents the type of events we can send around calls.

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data class CallInfo(val cid: String, val type: String, val id: String, val createdByUserId: String, val broadcastingEnabled: Boolean, val recordingEnabled: Boolean, val createdAt: Date?, val updatedAt: Date?, val custom: Map<String, Any?>) : Serializable
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data class CallMember(val callCid: String, val role: String, val userId: String, val createdAt: Date?, val updatedAt: Date?) : Serializable
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data class CallRecordingData(val fileName: String, val url: String, val start: Long, val end: Long)

Represents a single call recording with its metadata.

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sealed interface CallStatus
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data class CallUser(val id: String, val name: String? = null, val role: String? = null, val imageUrl: String? = null, val teams: List<String>? = null, val state: CallUserState?, val createdAt: Date?, val updatedAt: Date?) : Serializable
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data class CallUserState(val trackIdPrefix: String, val online: Boolean, val audio: Boolean, val video: Boolean)
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data class EdgeData(val id: String, val latencyTestUrl: String, val latitude: Float, val longitude: Float, val green: Int, val yellow: Int, val red: Int)

Represents the information about an Edge center in our network.

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data class IceCandidate(sdpMid: String, sdpMLineIndex: Int, candidate: String, usernameFragment: String?)
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data class IceServer(val urls: List<String>, val username: String, val password: String) : Serializable
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data class Ingress(var rtmp: RTMP)
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sealed class MediaTrack
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data class Member(val createdAt: OffsetDateTime, val custom: Map<String, Any?>, val updatedAt: OffsetDateTime, val user: User, val userId: String, val deletedAt: OffsetDateTime? = null, val role: String? = null)
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data class MuteUsersData(val users: List<String>? = null, val muteAllUsers: Boolean? = null, val audio: Boolean? = null, val screenShare: Boolean? = null, val video: Boolean? = null)

Represents the data used to request user's tracks to be muted.

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sealed class NetworkQuality

Represents the network connection quality of a video call.

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data class QueriedCalls(val calls: List<CallData>, val next: String?, val prev: String?)
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data class QueriedMembers(val members: List<Member>, val next: String?, val prev: String?)
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data class Reaction(val id: String, val response: ReactionResponse, val createdAt: Long, var isConsumed: Boolean = false)
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data class ReactionData(val type: String, val user: User, val emoji: String?, val custom: Map<String, Any?>?)

Represents the information about a successfully sent reaction.

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sealed interface ReactionState
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sealed class RejectReason
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data class RTMP(var address: String, var streamKey: String)
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data class ScreenSharingSession(val participant: ParticipantState)

Contains a track with the screen sharing content and the participant that's sharing the screen.

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data class SortData(val direction: Int = DEFAULT_SORT_DIRECTION, val sortField: String)

Represents the data required to apply a sorting method to queries.

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sealed class SortField
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The type of peer connections, either a PUBLISHER that sends data to the call or a SUBSCRIBER that receives and decodes the data from the server.

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data class UpdateUserPermissionsData(val userId: String, val grantedPermissions: List<String>? = null, val revokedPermissions: List<String>? = null)

Represents the data used to request user permission updates.

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data class VideoTrack(val streamId: String, val video: VideoTrack) : MediaTrack
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Participant visibility on the screen.

Inherited functions

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infix fun CallUser.merge(that: CallUser?): CallUser

Merges that into this CallUser to absorb as much data as possible from both instances.

Merges that into this CallUserState to absorb as much data as possible from both instances.

Merges that into this map.

Merges CallUser maps to absorb as many non-null and non-empty data from both collections.

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fun StreamPeerType.toPeerType(): <Error class: unknown class>