fun AudioRoomContent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, call: Call, isShowingAppBar: Boolean = true, permissions: VideoPermissionsState = rememberMicrophonePermissionState(call = call), title: String = stringResource(
id =,
), appBarContent: @Composable (call: Call) -> Unit = {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
title = title,
}, style: AudioRendererStyle = RegularAudioRendererStyle(), audioRenderer: @Composable (participant: ParticipantState, style: AudioRendererStyle) -> Unit = { audioParticipant, audioStyle ->
participant = audioParticipant,
style = audioStyle,
}, audioContent: @Composable BoxScope.(call: Call) -> Unit = {
val participants by call.state.participants.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
modifier = Modifier
participants = participants,
style = style,
audioRenderer = audioRenderer,
}, onLeaveRoom: () -> Unit? = null, onBackPressed: () -> Unit = {}, enableInPictureInPicture: Boolean = true, pictureInPictureContent: @Composable (call: Call, orientation: Int) -> Unit = { call, _ -> DefaultPictureInPictureContent(call, audioContent) }, controlsContent: @Composable (call: Call) -> Unit = {
modifier = Modifier
call = call,
onLeaveRoom = onLeaveRoom,
}) Represents audio room content based on the call state provided from the call.
The call that contains all the participants state and tracks.
Android permissions that should be required to render a audio call properly.
A title that will be shown on the app bar.
Content shown that a call information or an additional actions.
Content is shown that allows users to trigger different actions to control a joined call.
A single audio renderer renders each individual participant.
A lambda that will be invoked when the leave quietly button was clicked.
If the user has engaged in Picture-In-Picture mode.
Content shown when the user enters Picture in Picture mode, if it's been enabled in the app.
Content is shown by rendering audio when we're connected to a call successfully.