Renders the call participants depending on the number of the participants and the call state.
Inherited properties
Returns the CallControlsView width if landscape and height if in portrait mode.
Notifies that the orientation has changed.
Overridden function from the ViewGroup class that notifies when a view has been added to the group. We use it to bring the content we need on top, in our case the FloatingParticipantView and CallControlsView.
Creates and updates the local participant floating view. If null is passed will remove the view.
Populates the view with the screen share content. Will remove all views that are used when there is no screen share content and add ScreenShareView and CallParticipantsListView.
Inherited functions
Binds CallView with CallViewModel, updating the view's state based on data provided by the ViewModel, and propagating view events to the ViewModel as needed.
Used to start a job for this screen. The started job will be added to the runningJobs list so we can clean them up when not needed any more.
Stops and clears all of the currently running jobs.