Package-level declarations


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Represents audio room render styles.

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data class RegularAudioRendererStyle(val isShowingSpeakingBorder: Boolean = true, val speakingBorder: BorderStroke = BorderStroke( 2.dp, Color(0xFF005FFF), ), val isShowingMicrophoneAvailability: Boolean = true, val microphoneLabelPosition: Alignment = Alignment.BottomEnd, val isShowingRoleBadge: Boolean = true) : AudioRendererStyle

Represents a regular audio room render styles.


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fun AudioAppBar(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, title: String)

Represents the default AppBar that's shown in the audio room.

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fun AudioControlActions(call: Call, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onLeaveRoom: () -> Unit? = null)

Represents the set of controls the user can use to change their audio and video device state, or browse other types of settings, leave the call, or implement something custom.

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fun AudioParticipantsGrid(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, participants: List<ParticipantState>, style: AudioRendererStyle = RegularAudioRendererStyle(), audioRenderer: @Composable (participant: ParticipantState, style: AudioRendererStyle) -> Unit = { audioParticipant, audioStyle -> ParticipantAudio( participant = audioParticipant, style = audioStyle, ) })

Renders all the participants to construct a audio room, based on the number of people in a call and the call state.

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fun AudioRoomContent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, call: Call, isShowingAppBar: Boolean = true, permissions: VideoPermissionsState = rememberMicrophonePermissionState(call = call), title: String = stringResource( id =, ), appBarContent: @Composable (call: Call) -> Unit = { AudioAppBar( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), title = title, ) }, style: AudioRendererStyle = RegularAudioRendererStyle(), audioRenderer: @Composable (participant: ParticipantState, style: AudioRendererStyle) -> Unit = { audioParticipant, audioStyle -> ParticipantAudio( participant = audioParticipant, style = audioStyle, ) }, audioContent: @Composable BoxScope.(call: Call) -> Unit = { val participants by call.state.participants.collectAsStateWithLifecycle() AudioParticipantsGrid( modifier = Modifier .testTag("audio_content") .fillMaxSize(), participants = participants, style = style, audioRenderer = audioRenderer, ) }, onLeaveRoom: () -> Unit? = null, onBackPressed: () -> Unit = {}, enableInPictureInPicture: Boolean = true, pictureInPictureContent: @Composable (call: Call, orientation: Int) -> Unit = { call, _ -> DefaultPictureInPictureContent(call, audioContent) }, controlsContent: @Composable (call: Call) -> Unit = { AudioControlActions( modifier = Modifier .testTag("audio_controls_content") .fillMaxWidth(), call = call, onLeaveRoom = onLeaveRoom, ) })

Represents audio room content based on the call state provided from the call.

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fun ParticipantAudio(participant: ParticipantState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, style: AudioRendererStyle = RegularAudioRendererStyle(), microphoneIndicatorContent: @Composable BoxScope.(ParticipantState) -> Unit = { DefaultMicrophoneIndicator(style.microphoneLabelPosition) }, roleBadgeContent: @Composable RowScope.(ParticipantState) -> Unit = {})

Renders a single participant with a given call, which displays an avatar of the participant. Also displays participant information with a label and connection quality indicator.

Inherited functions

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fun AudioRendererStyle.copy(isShowingSpeakingBorder: Boolean = this.isShowingSpeakingBorder, speakingBorder: BorderStroke = this.speakingBorder, isShowingMicrophoneAvailability: Boolean = this.isShowingMicrophoneAvailability, microphoneLabelPosition: Alignment = this.microphoneLabelPosition, isShowingRoleBadge: Boolean = this.isShowingRoleBadge): AudioRendererStyle

Represents audio room render styles.