
fun BoxScope.ParticipantLabel(call: Call, participant: ParticipantState, labelPosition: Alignment = BottomStart, soundIndicatorContent: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = { val audioEnabled by participant.audioEnabled.collectAsStateWithLifecycle() val audioLevel by if (participant.isLocal) { call.localMicrophoneAudioLevel.collectAsStateWithLifecycle() } else { participant.audioLevel.collectAsStateWithLifecycle() } SoundIndicator( // we always draw the audio indicator for the local participant for lower delay // and for now don't draw the indicator for other participants due to the lag // (so we ingore participant.isSpeaking) isSpeaking = participant.isLocal, isAudioEnabled = audioEnabled, audioLevel = audioLevel, modifier = Modifier .align(CenterVertically) .padding( vertical = VideoTheme.dimens.spacingXs, horizontal = VideoTheme.dimens.spacingS, ), ) })
fun BoxScope.ParticipantLabel(nameLabel: String, isPinned: Boolean = false, labelPosition: Alignment = BottomStart, hasAudio: Boolean = false, isSpeaking: Boolean = false, audioLevel: Float = 0.0f, soundIndicatorContent: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = { SoundIndicator( isSpeaking = isSpeaking, isAudioEnabled = hasAudio, audioLevel = audioLevel, modifier = Modifier .align(CenterVertically) .padding(horizontal = VideoTheme.dimens.spacingS), ) })