
open fun init(@Nullable sharedContext: EglBase.Context, configAttributes: Array<Int>, drawer: RendererCommon.GlDrawer, usePresentationTimeStamp: Boolean)

Initialize this class, sharing resources with `sharedContext`. The custom `drawer` will be used for drawing frames on the EGLSurface. This class is responsible for calling release() on `drawer`. It is allowed to call init() to reinitialize the renderer after a previous init()/release() cycle. If usePresentationTimeStamp is true, eglPresentationTimeANDROID will be set with the frame timestamps, which specifies desired presentation time and might be useful for e.g. syncing audio and video.

open fun init(@Nullable sharedContext: EglBase.Context, configAttributes: Array<Int>, drawer: RendererCommon.GlDrawer)

Same as above with usePresentationTimeStamp set to false.

See also