
open class EglRenderer : VideoSink

Implements VideoSink by displaying the video stream on an EGL Surface. This class is intended to be used as a helper class for rendering on SurfaceViews and TextureViews.



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constructor(name: String)
Standard constructor.
constructor(name: String, videoFrameDrawer: VideoFrameDrawer)


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interface ErrorCallback
Callback for clients to be notified about errors encountered during rendering.
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interface FrameListener


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open fun addFrameListener(listener: EglRenderer.FrameListener, scale: Float, @Nullable drawerParam: RendererCommon.GlDrawer, applyFpsReduction: Boolean)
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
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open fun clearImage()
Post a task to clear the surface to a transparent uniform color.
open fun clearImage(r: Float, g: Float, b: Float, a: Float)
Post a task to clear the surface to a specific color.
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open fun createEglSurface(surfaceTexture: SurfaceTexture)
open fun createEglSurface(surface: Surface)
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open fun init(@Nullable sharedContext: EglBase.Context, configAttributes: Array<Int>, drawer: RendererCommon.GlDrawer)
Same as above with usePresentationTimeStamp set to false.
open fun init(eglThread: EglThread, drawer: RendererCommon.GlDrawer, usePresentationTimeStamp: Boolean)

open fun init(@Nullable sharedContext: EglBase.Context, configAttributes: Array<Int>, drawer: RendererCommon.GlDrawer, usePresentationTimeStamp: Boolean)
Initialize this class, sharing resources with `sharedContext`.
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open fun onFrame(frame: VideoFrame)
Implementations should call frame.retain() if they need to hold a reference to the frame after this function returns.
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open fun pauseVideo()
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open fun printStackTrace()
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open fun release()
Block until any pending frame is returned and all GL resources released, even if an interrupt occurs.
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open fun releaseEglSurface(completionCallback: Runnable)
Release EGL surface.
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Remove any pending callback that was added with addFrameListener.
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Can be set in order to be notified about errors encountered during rendering.
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open fun setFpsReduction(fps: Float)
Limit render framerate.
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open fun setLayoutAspectRatio(layoutAspectRatio: Float)
Set layout aspect ratio.
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open fun setMirror(mirror: Boolean)
Set if the video stream should be mirrored horizontally or not.
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open fun setMirrorVertically(mirrorVertically: Boolean)
Set if the video stream should be mirrored vertically or not.