Implementation of VideoFrame.I420Buffer backed by Java direct byte buffers.
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Allocates an empty I420Buffer suitable for an image of the given dimensions.
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open fun cropAndScale(cropX: Int, cropY: Int, cropWidth: Int, cropHeight: Int, scaleWidth: Int, scaleHeight: Int): VideoFrame.Buffer
Crops a region defined by `cropx`, `cropY`, `cropWidth` and `cropHeight`.
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open fun cropAndScaleI420(buffer: VideoFrame.I420Buffer, cropX: Int, cropY: Int, cropWidth: Int, cropHeight: Int, scaleWidth: Int, scaleHeight: Int): VideoFrame.Buffer
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Returns a memory-backed frame in I420 format.
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open fun wrap(width: Int, height: Int, dataY: ByteBuffer, strideY: Int, dataU: ByteBuffer, strideU: Int, dataV: ByteBuffer, strideV: Int, @Nullable releaseCallback: Runnable): JavaI420Buffer
Wraps existing ByteBuffers into JavaI420Buffer object without copying the contents.