Package-level declarations


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Types of video scaling: SCALE_ASPECT_FIT - video frame is scaled to fit the size of the view by maintaining the aspect ratio (black borders may be displayed).


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fun FloatingVideoRenderer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, videoTrack: VideoTrack, parentBounds: IntSize, paddingValues: PaddingValues, eglBaseContext: EglBase.Context, rendererEvents: RendererCommon.RendererEvents)

Represents a floating item used to feature a participant video, usually the local participant.

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fun VideoRenderer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, videoTrack: VideoTrack, eglBaseContext: EglBase.Context, videoScalingType: VideoScalingType = VideoScalingType.SCALE_ASPECT_BALANCED, onTextureViewCreated: (VideoTextureViewRenderer) -> Unit = { }, rendererEvents: RendererCommon.RendererEvents)

Renders a single video track based on the call state.