The main difference with the standard DefaultAlignedVideoEncoderFactory is that this fixes issues with resolutions that are not aligned (e.g. VP8 requires 16x16 alignment). You can set the alignment by setting resolutionAdjustment. Internally the resolution during streaming will be cropped to comply with the adjustment. Fallback behaviour is the same as with the standard DefaultVideoEncoderFactory and it will use the SW encoder if HW fails or is not available.
Original source: e98d6da9df4408/sora-android-sdk/src/main/kotlin/jp/shiguredo/sora/sdk/codec/SimulcastVideoEnco derFactoryWrapper.kt#L18
Inherited functions
Returns a VideoEncoderSelector if implemented by the VideoEncoderFactory, null otherwise.
Enumerates the list of supported video codecs that can also be tagged with implementation information. This method will only be called once and the result will be cached.