
data class Avatar(data: List<Any?>, maxSectionSize: Int, avatarBorderWidth: Int, errorPlaceholder: Drawable?, onSuccess: (request: ImageRequest, metadata: ImageResult.Metadata) -> Unit, onError: (request: ImageRequest, throwable: Throwable) -> Unit)

A data transfer model for transferring image data to AvatarFetcher. This model will be fetched by AvatarFetcher when we request image loading by using this type to Coil.

The default supported data types are:



A list of image data.


The maximum section size of the avatar when loading multiple images.


The border width of AvatarView.


An error placeholder that should be shown when request failed.


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fun Avatar(data: List<Any?>, maxSectionSize: Int, avatarBorderWidth: Int, errorPlaceholder: Drawable?, onSuccess: (request: ImageRequest, metadata: ImageResult.Metadata) -> Unit, onError: (request: ImageRequest, throwable: Throwable) -> Unit)


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val avatarBorderWidth: Int

The border width of AvatarView.

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val data: List<Any?>

A list of data to be requested.

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val errorPlaceholder: Drawable?

An error placeholder that should be shown when request failed.

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val maxSectionSize: Int

The maximum size of the sections.

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val onError: (request: ImageRequest, throwable: Throwable) -> Unit

A lambda function will be executed when loading failed.

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val onSuccess: (request: ImageRequest, metadata: ImageResult.Metadata) -> Unit

A lambda function will be executed when loading succeeds.


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fun <T : Any> getTag(key: String): T?

Returns the tag associated with this avatar using the given key.

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fun <T : Any> setTagIfAbsent(key: String, newValue: T)

Sets a tag associated with this avatar and a key. If the given newValue was already set for the given key, this calls do nothing, the given newValue would be ignored.