Package io.getstream.avatarview.glide


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fun AvatarView.loadImage(data: Any?, requestBuilder: RequestBuilder<*>)
inline fun AvatarView.loadImage(data: Any?, crossFadeEnabled: Boolean = true, requestListener: RequestListener<Drawable>? = null, requestOptions: () -> RequestOptions = { RequestOptions() })

Loads an image request data to the AvatarView.

fun AvatarView.loadImage(data: List<Any?>, requestBuilder: RequestBuilder<*>)
fun AvatarView.loadImage(data: List<Any?>, crossFadeEnabled: Boolean = true, requestListener: RequestListener<Drawable>? = null, requestOptions: () -> RequestOptions = { RequestOptions() })

Loads a list of image request data to the AvatarView. Up to 4 images will be combined and loaded.