
open class AvatarBitmapFactory(context: Context)

A Bitmap factory to create avatar bitmaps.


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fun AvatarBitmapFactory(context: Context)


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open fun avatarBitmapKey(avatar: Avatar): String?

Returns cache key for caching the avatar Bitmap image on memory.

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open suspend fun createAvatarBitmaps(avatar: Avatar, @Px avatarSize: Int): Bitmap?

Creates a combined avatar Bitmap with the data model avatar and the specified avatarSize to represent the avatar image, in a suspending operation.

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open suspend fun loadAvatarBitmap(data: Any?, avatar: Avatar, @Px avatarSize: Int): Bitmap?

Loads a Bitmap with the image request data to represent the avatar in a suspending operation.

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open fun loadAvatarBitmapBlocking(data: Any?, avatar: Avatar, @Px avatarSize: Int): Bitmap?

Creates a Bitmap to represent an avatar image.

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open suspend fun loadAvatarPlaceholderBitmap(data: Any?, avatar: Avatar, @Px avatarSize: Int): Bitmap?

Loads a Bitmap with the avatar to represent the placeholder of the avatar in a suspending operation. This method will be executed if the previous image request failed.

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open fun loadAvatarPlaceholderBitmapBlocking(data: Any?, avatar: Avatar, @Px avatarSize: Int): Bitmap?

Loads a Bitmap with the avatar to represent the placeholder of the avatar in a suspending operation. This method will be executed if the previous image request failed.