Package io.getstream.avatarview.coil


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data class Avatar(data: List<Any?>, maxSectionSize: Int, avatarBorderWidth: Int, errorPlaceholder: Drawable?, onSuccess: (request: ImageRequest, metadata: ImageResult.Metadata) -> Unit, onError: (request: ImageRequest, throwable: Throwable) -> Unit)

A data transfer model for transferring image data to AvatarFetcher. This model will be fetched by AvatarFetcher when we request image loading by using this type to Coil.

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open class AvatarBitmapFactory(context: Context)

A Bitmap factory to create avatar bitmaps.

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object AvatarCoil

AvatarCoil provides a ImageLoader, AvatarBitmapFactory, and ImageHeadersProvider that can be fully customized for loading avatar image:

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class AvatarImageLoaderFactory(context: Context, builder: ImageLoader.Builder.() -> Unit) : ImageLoaderFactory

An ImageLoader factory to provide an instance of the ImageLoader.

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object AvatarImageLoaderInternal

An internal image loader to request image data with Coil.

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interface ImageHeadersProvider

Provides HTTP headers for image loading requests.


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inline fun AvatarView.loadImage(data: Any?, crossinline onStart: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onComplete: () -> Unit = {}, noinline onSuccess: (request: ImageRequest, metadata: ImageResult.Metadata) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, noinline onError: (request: ImageRequest, throwable: Throwable) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, builder: ImageRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {})

Loads an image request data to the AvatarView.

inline fun AvatarView.loadImage(vararg data: Any?, crossinline onStart: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onComplete: () -> Unit = {}, noinline onSuccess: (request: ImageRequest, metadata: ImageResult.Metadata) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, noinline onError: (request: ImageRequest, throwable: Throwable) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, builder: ImageRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {})

Loads a vararg of image request data to the AvatarView. Up to 4 images will be combined and loaded.

inline fun AvatarView.loadImage(data: List<Any?>, crossinline onStart: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onComplete: () -> Unit = {}, noinline onSuccess: (request: ImageRequest, metadata: ImageResult.Metadata) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, noinline onError: (request: ImageRequest, throwable: Throwable) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, builder: ImageRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {})

Loads a list of image request data to the AvatarView. Up to 4 images will be combined and loaded.