
data class MessageListItemStyle(@ColorInt val messageBackgroundColorMine: Int?, @ColorInt val messageBackgroundColorTheirs: Int?, @ColorInt val messageLinkTextColorMine: Int?, @ColorInt val messageLinkTextColorTheirs: Int?, @ColorInt val messageLinkBackgroundColorMine: Int, @ColorInt val messageLinkBackgroundColorTheirs: Int, val linkDescriptionMaxLines: Int, val textStyleMine: TextStyle, val textStyleTheirs: TextStyle, val textStyleUserName: TextStyle, val textStyleMessageDate: TextStyle, val textStyleMessageLanguage: TextStyle, val textStyleThreadCounter: TextStyle, val textStyleReadCounter: TextStyle, val threadSeparatorTextStyle: TextStyle, val textStyleLinkLabel: TextStyle, val textStyleLinkTitle: TextStyle, val textStyleLinkDescription: TextStyle, @ColorInt val dateSeparatorBackgroundColor: Int, val textStyleDateSeparator: TextStyle, val reactionsViewStyle: ViewReactionsViewStyle, val editReactionsViewStyle: EditReactionsViewStyle, val iconIndicatorSent: Drawable, val iconIndicatorRead: Drawable, val iconIndicatorPendingSync: Drawable, val iconOnlyVisibleToYou: Drawable, val textStyleMessageDeleted: TextStyle, @ColorInt val messageDeletedBackground: Int, val textStyleMessageDeletedMine: TextStyle?, @ColorInt val messageDeletedBackgroundMine: Int?, val textStyleMessageDeletedTheirs: TextStyle?, @ColorInt val messageDeletedBackgroundTheirs: Int?, @ColorInt val messageStrokeColorMine: Int, @Px val messageStrokeWidthMine: Float, @ColorInt val messageStrokeColorTheirs: Int, @Px val messageStrokeWidthTheirs: Float, val textStyleSystemMessage: TextStyle, val textStyleErrorMessage: TextStyle, val pinnedMessageIndicatorTextStyle: TextStyle, val pinnedMessageIndicatorIcon: Drawable, @ColorInt val pinnedMessageBackgroundColor: Int, @Px val messageStartMargin: Int, @Px val messageEndMargin: Int, val messageMaxWidthFactorMine: Float, val messageMaxWidthFactorTheirs: Float, val showMessageDeliveryStatusIndicator: Boolean, val iconFailedMessage: Drawable, val iconBannedMessage: Drawable, val systemMessageAlignment: Int, @LayoutRes val loadingMoreView: Int, @ColorInt val unreadSeparatorBackgroundColor: Int, val unreadSeparatorTextStyle: TextStyle) : ViewStyle

Style for view holders used inside MessageListView. Use this class together with TransformStyle.messageListItemStyleTransformer to change styles programmatically.


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constructor(@ColorInt messageBackgroundColorMine: Int?, @ColorInt messageBackgroundColorTheirs: Int?, @ColorInt messageLinkTextColorMine: Int?, @ColorInt messageLinkTextColorTheirs: Int?, @ColorInt messageLinkBackgroundColorMine: Int, @ColorInt messageLinkBackgroundColorTheirs: Int, linkDescriptionMaxLines: Int, textStyleMine: TextStyle, textStyleTheirs: TextStyle, textStyleUserName: TextStyle, textStyleMessageDate: TextStyle, textStyleMessageLanguage: TextStyle, textStyleThreadCounter: TextStyle, textStyleReadCounter: TextStyle, threadSeparatorTextStyle: TextStyle, textStyleLinkLabel: TextStyle, textStyleLinkTitle: TextStyle, textStyleLinkDescription: TextStyle, @ColorInt dateSeparatorBackgroundColor: Int, textStyleDateSeparator: TextStyle, reactionsViewStyle: ViewReactionsViewStyle, editReactionsViewStyle: EditReactionsViewStyle, iconIndicatorSent: Drawable, iconIndicatorRead: Drawable, iconIndicatorPendingSync: Drawable, iconOnlyVisibleToYou: Drawable, textStyleMessageDeleted: TextStyle, @ColorInt messageDeletedBackground: Int, textStyleMessageDeletedMine: TextStyle?, @ColorInt messageDeletedBackgroundMine: Int?, textStyleMessageDeletedTheirs: TextStyle?, @ColorInt messageDeletedBackgroundTheirs: Int?, @ColorInt messageStrokeColorMine: Int, @Px messageStrokeWidthMine: Float, @ColorInt messageStrokeColorTheirs: Int, @Px messageStrokeWidthTheirs: Float, textStyleSystemMessage: TextStyle, textStyleErrorMessage: TextStyle, pinnedMessageIndicatorTextStyle: TextStyle, pinnedMessageIndicatorIcon: Drawable, @ColorInt pinnedMessageBackgroundColor: Int, @Px messageStartMargin: Int, @Px messageEndMargin: Int, messageMaxWidthFactorMine: Float, messageMaxWidthFactorTheirs: Float, showMessageDeliveryStatusIndicator: Boolean, iconFailedMessage: Drawable, iconBannedMessage: Drawable, systemMessageAlignment: Int, @LayoutRes loadingMoreView: Int, @ColorInt unreadSeparatorBackgroundColor: Int, unreadSeparatorTextStyle: TextStyle)


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Background color for data separator. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_overlay_dark.

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Icon for message when the current user is banned. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_warning.

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Icon for message failed status. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_warning.

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Icon for message's pending status. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_clock.

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Icon for message's read status. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_check_double.

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Icon for message's sent status. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_check_single.

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Icon for message's pending status. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_icon_eye_off.

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Max lines for link's description. Default value is 5.

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Background color for message sent by the current user. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_grey_gainsboro.

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Background color for message sent by other user. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_white.

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Background color for deleted message. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_grey_whisper.

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Background color for mine deleted message. Default value is messageDeletedBackground.

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Background color for theirs deleted message. Default value is messageDeletedBackground.

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Margin for messages in the right side. Default value is 0dp.

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Background color for message with link, sent by the current user. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_blue_alice.

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Background color for message with link, sent by other user. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_blue_alice.

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Color for links sent by the current user. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_accent_blue.

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Color for links sent by other user. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_accent_blue.

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Factor used to compute max width for message sent by the current user. Should be in <0.75, 1> range.

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Factor used to compute max width for message sent by other user. Should be in <0.75, 1> range.

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Margin for messages in the left side. Default value is 48dp.

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Stroke color for message sent by the current user. Default value is MESSAGE_STROKE_COLOR_MINE.

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Stroke color for message sent by other user. Default value is MESSAGE_STROKE_COLOR_THEIRS.

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Stroke width for message sent by the current user. Default value is MESSAGE_STROKE_WIDTH_MINE.

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Stroke width for message sent by other user. Default value is MESSAGE_STROKE_WIDTH_THEIRS.

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Flag if we need to show the delivery indicator or not.

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Changes the alignment of system messages.

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Appearance for date separator text.

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Appearance for error message text.

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Appearance for link's description text.

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Appearance for link.

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Appearance for message date text.

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Appearance for message deleted text.

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Appearance for mine message deleted text. Default value is textStyleMessageDeleted.

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Appearance for theirs message deleted text. Default value is textStyleMessageDeleted.

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Appearance for message language text.

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Appearance for message text sent by the current user.

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Appearance for read counter text.

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Appearance for system message text.

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Appearance for message text sent by other user.

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Appearance for thread counter text.

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Appearance for user name text.


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