
class DownloadPermissionHandler(permissionState: PermissionState, context: Context, onPermissionRequired: () -> Unit = { if (!context.wasPermissionRequested(permissionState.permission) || permissionState.status.shouldShowRationale) { permissionState.launchPermissionRequest() } else { context.openSystemSettings() } }, onPermissionGranted: (Map<String, Any>) -> Unit = { payload -> (payload[PayloadAttachment] as? Attachment)?.let { ChatClient .instance() .downloadAttachment(context, it) .enqueue() } }) : PermissionHandler

Default implementation of the download permission handler. By default will request the user to enable the permission and once it has been granted will download the attachment.



The permissionState for the permission we need. This should be Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.


The context for executing actions.


Handler when the user wants to download a file but the permission has not been granted. By default it will prompt the user for the permission or take him directly to settings.


Handler when the user grants the permission. By default will download the requested file.


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constructor(permissionState: PermissionState, context: Context, onPermissionRequired: () -> Unit = { if (!context.wasPermissionRequested(permissionState.permission) || permissionState.status.shouldShowRationale) { permissionState.launchPermissionRequest() } else { context.openSystemSettings() } }, onPermissionGranted: (Map<String, Any>) -> Unit = { payload -> (payload[PayloadAttachment] as? Attachment)?.let { ChatClient .instance() .downloadAttachment(context, it) .enqueue() } })


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object Companion


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open override fun canHandle(permission: String): Boolean

Checks whether the permission handler can handle the given permissions.

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Observes the change in the permission state and automatically downloads the attachment once the permission has been granted.

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open override fun onHandleRequest(payload: Map<String, Any>)

Called to handle a request if the permission is granted, prompts the user to enable the permission otherwise.

Inherited functions

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open fun canHandle(permissions: List<String>): Boolean

Checks whether the permission handler can handle the given permissions.