Style for MessageListView. Use this class together with TransformStyle.messageListStyleTransformer to change MessageListView styles programmatically.
MessageListView background color. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_white_snow.
Enables/disables block user feature. Enabled by default.
Icon for block user option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_clear.
Icon for copy option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_copy.
Enables/disables copy text feature. Enabled by default.
Enables/disables showing confirmation dialog before deleting message. Enabled by default.
Icon for delete message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_delete.
Enables/disables delete message feature. Enabled by default.
Enables/disables scroll while a dialog is shown over the message list.
Icon for edit message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_edit.
Enables/disables edit message feature. Enabled by default.
Style for the text displayed in the empty view when no data is present.
Enables/disables "flag message" option.
Icon for flag message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_flag.
Enables/disables showing confirmation dialog before flagging message. Disabled by default.
Style for GiphyViewHolder.
Style for message list view holders.
Layout for the loading view. Default value is R.layout.stream_ui_default_loading_view.
Background color of message options. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_white.
Text appearance of message option items.
Alignment of the message options user reaction bubble. Default value is MessageOptionsUserReactionAlignment.BY_USER.
Messages start at the bottom or top of the screen. Default: bottom.
Overlay dim color. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_literal_transparent.
Defines the margin between the selected message and the edit reactions bubble on the options overlay.
Defines the end margin between the edit reactions bubble on the options overlay and the parent.
Defines the start margin between the edit reactions bubble on the options overlay and the parent.
Defines the top margin between the edit reactions bubble on the options overlay and the parent.
Defines the bottom margin between the message option list on the options overlay and the user reactions view.
Defines the end margin between the message option list on the options overlay and the parent.
Defines the start margin between the message option list on the options overlay and the parent.
Defines the margin between the selected message and the message option list on the options overlay.
Defines the bottom margin between the user reaction list on the options overlay and the parent.
Defines the end margin between the user reaction list on the options overlay and the parent.
Defines the start margin between the user reaction list on the options overlay and the parent.
Defines the margin between the selected message and the user reaction list on the options overlay.
Icon for pin message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_pin.
Enables/disables pin message feature. Disabled by default.
Enables/disables reactions feature. Enabled by default.
Enables/disables read count. Enabled by default.
Enables/disables reply feature. Enabled by default.
Icon for reply option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_arrow_curve_left_grey.
Styles messages that are replies.
Icon for retry option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_send.
Enables/disables retry failed message feature. Enabled by default.
Defines the bottom margin of the scroll button.
Defines the end margin of the scroll button.
Style for ScrollButtonView.
If we need to show the edit reactions bubble for unsent messages on the options overlay.
Enables/disables swipe to reply feature. Enabled by default.
Icon for swipe to reply feature. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_arrow_curve_left_grey.
Thread messages start at the bottom or top of the screen. Default: bottom.
Icon for thread option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_thread_reply.
Enables/disables threads feature. Enabled by default.
Icon for unblock user option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_clear.
Icon for unpin message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_unpin.
Background color of user reactions card. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_white.
Text appearance of of user reactions card title.
Text appearance of warning message option items.