Package io.getstream.sketchbook


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data class PaintColorPaletteTheme(shape: Shape, itemSize: Dp, selectedItemSize: Dp, borderColor: Color, borderWidth: Dp)

A theme that has a collection parameters to customize PaintColorPalette.

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class SketchbookController

SketchbookController interacts with Sketchbook and it allows you to control the canvas and all of the components with it.


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fun ColorPickerDialog(controller: SketchbookController? = null, expanded: MutableState<Boolean>, backgroundColor: Color = Color.White, selectText: String = "Select", initialColor: Color? = null, onColorSelected: (Color) -> Unit? = null)

A color picker dialog to get a desired color from users.

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fun ColorPickerPaletteIcon(modifier: Modifier, controller: SketchbookController, bitmap: ImageBitmap)

Basic color palette icon to show up color picker dialog and apply selected colors to SketchbookController. ColorPickerPaletteItem also can be used to header and footer for the PaintColorPalette.

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fun PaintColorPalette(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, controller: SketchbookController, colorList: List<Color> = defaultColorList(), theme: PaintColorPaletteTheme = PaintColorPaletteTheme(), initialSelectedIndex: Int = -1, onColorSelected: (Int, Color) -> Unit? = null, header: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, content: @Composable (Int, Color) -> Unit? = null, footer: @Composable () -> Unit? = null)

PaintColorPalette provides a list of color palette. With SketchbookController it will take and apply the selected color to the Sketchbook automatically.

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fun rememberSketchbookController(): SketchbookController

Creates and remembers a SketchbookController on the current composer.

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fun Sketchbook(modifier: Modifier, controller: SketchbookController, backgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent, imageBitmap: ImageBitmap? = null, onEventListener: (x: Float, y: Float) -> Unit? = null, onRevisedListener: (canUndo: Boolean, canRedo: Boolean) -> Unit? = null)

Sketchbook is a canvas implementation to draw paths with custom properties.