React Activity Feed
Edit page
Top Level Components
ActivityPropertiesBasic usageActivity with attached image and hashtagActivity with enriched URLActivity with custom header and content componentsFlat feedNotificationNotification dropdownNotification feedSingle postStatus update form
UI Components
Layout Components
Composition Components



Record<string, unknown> & { attachments?: Attachments | undefined; text?: string | undefined; } & BaseActivity & Pick<Activity<Record<string, unknown>>, "time" | "foreign_id" | "id" | "analytics" | "extra_context" | "origin" | "score"> & { ...; }
string | number | boolean | ReactElement<PropsWithElementAttributes<{ alt?: string | undefined; handleClose?: ((e: SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>) => void) | undefined; image?: string | null | undefined; nolink?: boolean | undefined; } & Pick<...>, HTMLAnchorElement>, string | ... 1 more ... | (new (props: any) => C...
({ alt, images = [], image: imageURL, handleClose, description, nolink, url, title, className, style, }: CardProps) => { const sanitizedURL = useMemo(() => sanitizeURL(url), [url]); const trimmedURL = useMemo(() => trimURL(sanitizedURL), [sanitizedURL]); const [{ image }] = !imageURL && images.length ? images : [{ image: imageURL }]; return ( <a href={nolink ? undefined : sanitizedURL} target="blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" className={className ?? `raf-card ${image !== undefined ? 'raf-card--with-image' : ''}`} style={style} > {handleClose && image ? ( <IconButton onClick={handleClose}> <CloseIcon /> </IconButton> ) : null} {image !== undefined && ( <div className="raf-card__image"> {image === null ? ( <AvatarIcon preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice" /> ) : ( <img src={image} alt={alt || title || description || ''} /> )} </div> )} <div className="raf-card__content"> <div className="raf-card__content-left"> <p className="raf-card__title">{title}</p> <p className="raf-card__url">{trimmedURL}</p> <p className="raf-card__description">{description}</p> </div> {handleClose && image === undefined && ( <div className="raf-card__content-right"> <IconButton onClick={handleClose}> <CloseIcon /> </IconButton> </div> )} </div> </a> ); }
string | number | boolean | ReactElement<PropsWithElementAttributes<{ activity: EnrichedActivity<UT, AT, CT, RT, CRT>; Card?: string | number | boolean | ReactElement<PropsWithElementAttributes<{ alt?: string | undefined; handleClose?: ((e: SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>) => void) | undefined; image?: string | ... 1...
< UT extends DefaultUT = DefaultUT, AT extends DefaultAT = DefaultAT, CT extends UR = UR, RT extends UR = UR, CRT extends UR = UR >({ activity, Repost, Card = DefaultCard, className, style, ...props }: ActivityContentProps<UT, AT, CT, RT, CRT>) => { const { object, text = (typeof object === 'string' ? object : '').trim(), attachments: { og, images = [], files = [] } = {}, verb, image, } = activity; return ( <div className={classNames('raf-activity__content', className)} style={style}> {text && ( <div style={{ padding: '8px 16px' }}> <p>{textRenderer(text, 'raf-activity', props.onClickMention, props.onClickHashtag)}</p> </div> )} {og && ( <div style={{ padding: '8px 16px' }}> {og.videos ? <Video og={og} /> : og.audios ? <Audio og={og} /> : smartRender(Card, og)} </div> )} {typeof image === 'string' && ( <div style={{ padding: '8px 0' }}> <Gallery images={[image]} /> </div> )} {!!images.length && ( <div style={{ padding: '8px 0' }}> <Gallery images={images} /> </div> )} {!!files.length && ( <ol className="raf-activity__attachments"> {{ name, url, mimeType }, i) => ( <a href={sanitizeURL(url)} download key={i}> <li className="raf-activity__file"> <FileIcon mimeType={mimeType} filename={name} /> {name} </li> </a> ))} </ol> )} {verb === 'repost' && typeof object === 'object' && smartRender(Repost, { ...props, activity: object as EnrichedActivity<UT, AT, CT, RT, CRT>, })} </div> ); }
string | undefined
string | number | boolean | ReactElement<ActivityFooterProps<UT, AT, CT, RT, CRT>, string | ((props: any) => ReactElement<any, any> | null) | (new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>)> | ComponentClass<...> | FunctionComponent<...> | null | undefined
string | number | boolean | ReactElement<Pick<PropsWithElementAttributes<{ activity: EnrichedActivity<UT, AT, Record<string, unknown>, Record<string, unknown>, Record<string, unknown>>; Card?: string | number | boolean | ReactElement<PropsWithElementAttributes<{ ...; } & Pick<...>, HTMLAnchorElement>, string | ... 1...
<UT extends DefaultUT = DefaultUT, AT extends DefaultAT = DefaultAT>({ activity, HeaderRight, icon, onClickUser, style = { padding: '8px 16px' }, className, }: ActivityHeaderProps<UT, AT>) => { const { tDateTimeParser } = useTranslationContext(); const actor = userOrDefault<UT>(; const handleUserClick = useOnClickUser<UT>(onClickUser); return ( <div style={style} className={className}> <UserBar username={} avatar={} onClickUser={handleUserClick?.(actor)} subtitle={HeaderRight ? humanizeTimestamp(activity.time, tDateTimeParser) : undefined} timestamp={activity.time} icon={icon} Right={HeaderRight} /> </div> ); }
string | number | boolean | ReactElement<Record<string, unknown>, string | ((props: any) => ReactElement<any, any> | null) | (new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>)> | ComponentClass<Record<...>, any> | FunctionComponent<...> | null | undefined
string | undefined
WordClickHandler | undefined
WordClickHandler | undefined
((user: UserOrDefaultReturnType<UT>) => void) | undefined
string | number | boolean | ReactElement<PropsWithElementAttributes<{ activity: EnrichedActivity<UT, AT, CT, RT, CRT>; Card?: string | number | boolean | ReactElement<PropsWithElementAttributes<{ alt?: string | undefined; handleClose?: ((e: SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>) => void) | undefined; image?: string | ... 1...
< UT extends DefaultUT = DefaultUT, AT extends DefaultAT = DefaultAT, CT extends UR = UR, RT extends UR = UR, CRT extends UR = UR >({ Header = DefaultActivityHeader, HeaderRight, Content = DefaultActivityContent, activity, icon, onClickHashtag, onClickMention, onClickUser, }: ActivityProps<UT, AT, CT, RT, CRT>) => ( <div className="raf-card raf-activity raf-activity-repost"> {smartRender<ActivityHeaderProps<UT, AT>>(Header, { HeaderRight, icon, activity, onClickUser })} {smartRender<ActivityContentProps<UT, AT, CT, RT, CRT>>(Content, { onClickMention, onClickHashtag, activity })} </div> )
string | undefined

Basic usage

Nora Ferguson

I just missed my train 😤

Activity with attached image and hashtag

Nora Ferguson

Just came back from this hike! #Hiking #Madeira

Activity with enriched URL

Activity with custom header and content components

Nora Ferguson
You can customize your activity however you like!