Partially update a user
Updates an existing user. The ‘set’ property is a comma separated list of key value pairs. The ‘unset’ property is a comma separated list of property names.
stream-cli chat update-user-partial --user [user-id] --set [raw-json] --unset [property-names] [flags]
# Set a user's role to 'admin' and set 'age' to 21. At the same time, remove 'haircolor' and 'height'.
$ stream-cli chat update-user-partial --user-id my-user-1 --set '{"role":"admin","age":21}' --unset haircolor,height
-h, --help help for update-user-partial
-s, --set string [optional] Raw JSON of key-value pairs to set
-u, --unset string [optional] Comma separated list of properties to unset
-i, --user-id string [required] Channel ID
--app string [optional] Application name to use as it's defined in the configuration file
--config string [optional] Explicit config file path