Revoke a token
Revokes a token for a single user. All requests will be rejected that were issued before the given epoch timestamp.
stream-cli chat revoke-token --user [user-id] --before [epoch] [flags]
# Revoke token for user 'joe' before today's date (default date)
$ stream-cli revoke-token --user joe
# Revoke token for user 'mike' before 2019-01-01
$ stream-cli revoke-token --user mike --before 1546300800
-b, --before int [optional] The epoch timestamp before which tokens should be revoked. Defaults to now.
-h, --help help for revoke-token
-u, --user string [required] ID of the user to revoke token for
--app string [optional] Application name to use as it's defined in the configuration file
--config string [optional] Explicit config file path