Create a channel
This command allows you to create a new channel. If it exists already an error will be thrown.
stream-cli chat create-channel --type [channel-type] --id [channel-id] --user [user-id] --properties [raw-json] [flags]
# Create a channel with id 'redteam' of type 'messaging' by 'joe'
$ stream-cli chat create-channel --type messaging --id redteam --user joe
# Create a channel with id 'blueteam' of type 'messaging' by 'joe' with extra data
$ stream-cli chat create-channel --type messaging --id blueteam --user joe --properties "{\"age\":\"28\"}"
-h, --help help for create-channel
-i, --id string [required] Channel id
-p, --properties string [optional] JSON string of channel properties
-t, --type string [required] Channel type such as 'messaging' or 'livestream'
-u, --user string [required] User id who will be considered as the creator of the channel
--app string [optional] Application name to use as it's defined in the configuration file
--config string [optional] Explicit config file path